Meet The Team – Rishi Patel

Rishi Patel
Medical Director, Senior Consultant & Medical Acupuncturist
Rishi has fast become one of the leading long term back pain specialists in London, with over 8 years’ experience in the healthcare industry and helping over 6,000 + patients in that time, he has an excellent reputation. With experience in the NHS, Rishi has encountered and dealt with a widespread of conditions as well as working with Formula 1 and elite sports teams, to achieve total comfort. Rishi regularly treats A list celebrities, Musicians and artists amongst an everyday patient list.
He works closely with a network of GP’s, consultants and personal trainers in London providing the patient with the very best service.
The secret behind his success is his 3-step proven method. (Identify, Resolve and Enhance). He has helped so many patients successfully with this protocol.
“My passion is to help EVERY patient coming to see me from ALL walks of life, I want to help improve everyone’s physical health and wellbeing by providing bespoke treatment programs and to date I have done this successfully. I will genuinely find a way to help you no matter what aches and pains you come in with, I look forward to helping you improve the quality of your life!”
When Rishi is not treating he enjoys watching football, eating out and travelling around the world for pleasure and business.
Rishi a member of the General Osteopath Council.